
Inside the book.

All finished!!

Making the book and packaging.

It took me hours to print and then bind the book!!! Thankfully, Heidi helped me bind because the binders think it's impossible to use the Gingham fabric I wanted (which clearly it's not!!) I'm finally pleased with it! I've added lots of extra tactile details like a salt sachet, name tape, price stickers etc. And for the packaging, I decided on a brown paper bag as I was considering, closed with a circular gingham sticker.
I can't believe I'm finally finished!!!!!!!!!!....hurray!!!!!!

Test print

These are just some of the images from the book that I wanted to test print just for colour and checking the images were high res enough.

Problem.....UGLY rirron!!

I contacted a an embroidery factory to embroider the words "fact" and "fiction" on a piece of non shinny, 1.5 cm wide ribbon.......

the ribbon came back shinny and 4cm wide. good one. So I'm not using it (obviously,) because it's UGLY!! So frustrating!!

More progression...

As style I like

Following some advice...

After our crit the other day, I decided to get rid most of the doilies!! I've been pound shopping and picked up a few bargains, some quite kitch stuff I think that relates to each wives tail, as a form of illustration. So today I spend photographing and cutting things up. Here are a few bits and bobs...I still have more to do tomorrow but now I'm sleeping!!

It's like Christmas!!

One thing I love about this project is that I'm getting packages the whole time!!! I've had stamps, fabric, metal block for gold blocking, name tapes, ribbon and then theres the £ shops. I have a new found love for £shops!

I'm an expert!!! dust pans, brushes, yogurt pots, gingham, point of sale, old wives tales and embroidered name tapes.

Just trying something...

Some of the pages I made looked rubbish when I photographed them. They were made up of 3d objects so I've decided to leave them out. I'm just messing around with some card at the moment. Here's what I've been up to.

Keeping an eye out.

A little update

I'm going away this weekend to photograph all the pages I've made for the book. There are a few more to do so I'll be doing them at the same time.

I've had serious issues finding the right gingham for my cover, I finally found an upholstery fabric which hopefully shouldn't let the glue through.
Now onto my next problem...I'm looking for one of those old black pin boards that you can push individual letters into. They used to have them at leasure centres, the butchers, and some hotels. I've gotten hold of a shop fitter who thinks he might be able to find me one so that's where I'm at.

I've finally filled this book with rituals, traditions and wives tales. No more now. I've chosen the ones that are most "out there" and hopefully quite funny.

pages are taking over my life!!

More pages in progress...

The explanation page...

So the book's fact vs fiction. The illustrated traditions/rituals/customs/wives tales will sit opposite an explanation of where there came from. Is there any truth in them...

Here are a couple of ideas I've been thinking of for a while but just getting on paper now. Was thinking about scanning in lace but decided against it. This is cool because it's kitch and traditional and it has a big association with women and mother.

Work in progress...